
Week 1: The Antidote to Stress

Christmas is such a fun time of year! Yet as the party invitations, shopping lists and errands multiply, it is surprising how easily stress and discontentment can infringe on our intentions to celebrate.

Are you hungry to experience God’s love, joy and peace in a greater measure this Christmas? I’d like to propose that each of us has a very special choice to make: the choice to abide in God. As simple as it sounds, I believe this is the antidote to all kinds of stress and discontentment! But the good news gets better.


Thankfully, the fruits of the Spirit are not the fruits of hard work! They are the result of resting in God, sending our roots down deep into the soil of His love, and allowing His words to bring truth and encouragement to our hearts. When we turn our thoughts towards God, His love for us and His presence with us, our internal world begins to look and feel different. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control all grow naturally.

What does abiding in God look like for you? One of my habits is to begin my week – and as much as possible, each day – with time alone in my soaking room. I’ve kept this space free of distraction, and full of visual reminders and declarations about who God is. I know people who read the Bible on their lunch break, sing to God in the car, or set a daily reminder on their phone to pray. I expect all our routines look different, but I know each of us can make space for His Presence.

How do you make space for His Presence when life gets busy? And is there someone you could help to do the same? I believe this Christmas could be our most peaceful and joyful yet.

Love and blessings - Faith

Now is the time to write!

Many years ago as a college student, Derek and Lydia Prince prophesied Ephesians 2:10 over me: “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.” At the time I had no understanding of the prophetic ministry, but I had great value for Derek and Lydia so that scripture was imprinted on my spirit. It has been a life word, expanding in meaning through the years like a kaleidoscope. For me one of the many aspects of "good works" involved written works—books.


For many of you, writing a book is one of your "good works". I remember speaking about shifting the atmosphere through creativity at a conference. As I spoke I sensed there were many who had a book inside that needed to be released. At the end of the talk I asked anyone to stand who had received a prophetic word about writing or had a secret desire to write. I was shocked when almost everyone in the room stood up! I imagine I would have the same response today because God needs writers to publish the good news. Lana Vawser, a prophetic voice from Australia, recently released a word entitled: "It is Right to Write".

If you or someone you know feels it is right for you to write but you need help getting started, I am offering my experience and training as a published author and writing coach. Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement and a few tools to get the ink flowing. Here is a link for more information on a 4 week online Writing Workshop I will be teaching this summer. In order to have more one on-one interaction space is limited so don't wait to sign up :-)

May you experience His favor and provision in greater measure as you step into the good works the Father has ordained for you!

5 Keys to Effective Prayer

For those of us in the U.S., May 2 was the National Day of Prayer, an event first called in 1775 by the Continental Congress, and established by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. In 1952 Congress voted unanimously to establish a National Day of Prayer. The purpose of this day is specifically to pray for the nation and those in authority. According to Paul in 1 Timothy 2:8, we do this so that we will have a peaceable and quiet land.

5 Keys to Effective Prayer.jpg

I believe there are at least 5 Keys to effective prayer for any nation, not just the United States. They are:

  1. Forgive those whose political stance we oppose.

  2. Forgive those of our own political leanings who have not governed wisely.

  3. Forgive the political, media and social groups that have sown evil and discord.

  4. Forgive our family, friends, co-workers, and pastors for inaction, silence, or judgments made relative to the government.

  5. Forgive ourselves for our own inaction, silence or judgments made relative to the government.

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray the focus of the prayer Jesus taught them was about the nations and government — on earth as it is in Heaven.  The prayer in Matthew 6:9 begins and ends with reference to the kingdom. Four keys of prayer are referenced: Father God, freedom, food and forgiveness.  I believe that the first three depend on the last one — forgiveness.

Forgiveness was God’s idea and it is only because of His forgiveness that we are in a position to pray to Him as Father.  We are commanded to forgive just as we have been forgiven. Sometimes it is challenging to obey this command when the issue is tied to political and governmental people and issues. Then we find ourselves involved in intellectual debate, questions of right and wrong or righteous indignation.  It may even be difficult to identify our unforgiveness.  However, if we are uncertain, Holy Spirit is able to reveal it in our heart. And it is vitally important to deal with what is in our heart. David said in Psalm 66:18 : “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” (NIV) For me that one verse is enough motivation to allow unforgiveness to be uncovered and dealt with.

Holy Spirit, search our hearts. May we forgive as we have been forgiven, so that our prayers will be heard and our nation will be saved.

A Heart of Love

I love receiving gifts whether for Christmas, birthday or just the occasional “no reason” gift. Gifts, even those that come without a card, anonymously from a Secret Santa, always carry a message, loud and clear which is: “ I love you!”

Christmas gifts

As a child, I always received a Christmas present from a great aunt, my grandmother’s sister, who lived in New York. She was a bit strange, her house always smelled musty and so did her clothes. We went to New York at Christmas to visit my grandparents and always drove to Brooklyn to see Aunt Laura. Not something I ever enjoyed.

The cookies she served with hot tea tasted like they had been recycled from our Christmas visit the year before. No matter how much cream and sugar I dumped into my tea masked the stale taste of these cookies. I loved cookies and ordinarily would never refuse one, except at Aunt Laura’s!

She insisted we open our gifts in front of her. What do you say if you are six and you open a neatly wrapped Christmas present only to find an antique lace collar? During the unwrapping my mother was constantly giving me “the look” that said “don’t you dare throw a fit or say something ugly!” The worst part of this gift exchange was that after Christmas I had to write Aunt Laura a thank you note! You can imagine the struggle my mother had with me to accomplish that. If Aunt Laura was alive today, I would be able to write a true thank you, realizing that even though her gift was totally inappropriate, it came with her love.

Our Father, the Giver of all gifts is the best gift giver. He knows us, and he understands not just what we need, but what we enjoy. I pray this Christmas you will receive all the gifts your Father has for you, coming from His heart of love.

How's Your Sleep?

Did you know that March 16th is World Sleep Day? I don't think it has been designated as an official U.S. holiday, but perhaps it should be. The statistics continue to show that we are a nation (and world) of seriously sleep deprived people.

Sleeping panda

Two thirds of the people in the U.S. don't get enough sleep. 87% of high school students are suffering from lack of sleep. Unfortunately all the research on the benefits of sleep have not been enough to bring radical change to the statistics. Not only are we sleep deprived, but also quite uneducated about sleep. For too long it has been viewed as something primarily for babies and old people. Most of us think we "get enough" sleep, not having any guidelines about what "enough" really means.

Below is a quick Sleep Assessment Questionnaire. As you go through the questions, count up how many True statements you have, and let me know your current number in the comments section! Look out for my next blog, with tips for better sleep...

Maas Robins Alertness Questionaire

These twenty statements help differentiate between well-rested and sleep-deprived individuals. Ready? Answer TRUE or FALSE.

  1. I often need an alarm clock in order to wake up at the appropriate time.

  2. It's often a struggle for me to get out of bed in the morning.

  3. Weekday mornings I often hit the snooze bar several times.

  4. I often feel tired and stressed out during the week.

  5. I often feel moody and irritable, and little things upset me.

  6. I often have trouble concentrating and remembering.

  7. I often feel slow with critical thinking, problem solving, and being creative.

  8. I need caffeine to get going in the morning or make it through the afternoon.

  9. I often wake up craving junk food, sugars, and carbohydrates.

  10. I often fall asleep watching TV.

  11. I often fall asleep in boring meetings or lectures or in warm rooms.

  12. I often fall asleep after heavy meals or after a low dose of alcohol.

  13. I often fall asleep while relaxing after dinner.

  14. I often fall asleep within five minutes of getting into bed.

  15. I often feel drowsy while driving.

  16. I often sleep extra hours on the weekends.

  17. I often need a nap to get through the day.

  18. I have dark circles around my eyes.

  19. I fall asleep easily when watching a movie.

  20. I rely on energy drinks or over-the-counter medications to keep me awake.

Results: If you answered "True" to four or more of these statements, CONSIDER YOURSELF SERIOUSLY SLEEP-DEPRIVED!

Developed by Dr. James B. Maas and Rebecca S. Robbins of Cornell University