
2020: Year of Wonders

Will you look back on 2020 as a “Year of Wonders” for you personally? Perhaps on January 1 you looked forward to 2020 with great anticipation, not just for the new year, but also for a new decade bringing revival and heaven to earth. Today, there is a battle day by day to maintain this great hope.

This year, 2020, is not the first year a pandemic has disrupted the world. Between 1665-66 the Bubonic Plague ravaged the nations. Sir Isaac Newton was 23 at the time, attending Cambridge University in London. The threat of death from the Plague was so intense the University closed. Newton went to his home, Woolsthorpe, experiencing what we call “self isolation” or “social distancing.”


Later in life, as he reviewed his world changing theories on calculus, optics, and the laws of motion and gravity, all of which occurred during the time of self quarantine, he said it was the most intellectually fruitful period of his whole life. He referred to the year 1666 as “The Year of Wonders.”

Many humorous social media posts refer to 2020 as the year of a baby boom. Hopefully the most popular baby name will not be “Corona” or some derivative of it! On a more serious note—let’s all get pregnant! This is the perfect time to become pregnant with the purposes of God for our life. How many inventions, creative solutions to problems, screen plays, masterpieces of art or music, could be birthed at the end of this time of sequestration with Holy Spirit? Yes, even in the midst of what seems to be chaos: kids out of school, working remotely, or not working at all, His banner over you is love—love is always fruitful. You may not end up in the history books like Newton, but your life’s work will be recorded in Heaven’s museum of history.

Steps to conceive Heaven’s vision and carry it to full-term:

  1. Take more time to be with Jesus.

  2. Turn off all unnecessary distractions – it is hard to be intimate with CNN or FOX news blaring in the room.

  3. Go over all the dreams and prophecies and scriptures of the past that have been part of your love relationship with Him. Let your heart be stirred by them again. Allow Him to give you creative solutions to see these come to fruition in the midst of a topsy-turvy world.

  4. Take time every day to adore your Beloved.

  5. Talk to Him about this vision that you are carrying. Work together with Him to ensure healthy growth and delivery.

  6. Giggle a lot with Him about the future. It is going to be wonder- filled!

Celebrating with you 2020 — The Year of Wonders!